Hire a female speaker to speak to

Women's physiology and wellbeing



I guest teach in yoga teacher trainings, childbirth education classes, medical residency programs, and other live events where women are centered and their physical wellness is a priority.

Yoga Teacher Trainings

Hire me to co-lead or teach portions of your yoga teacher training!

I teach from a female physiologic perspective that centers women's bodies and education. I speak to adjusting classic asana poses to be supportive to female physiology, and critique the ways in which modern postural yoga can be unsupportive to female bodies.

Lecture Topics include but are not limited to: 

Female Anatomy and physiology 

Yoga for Prenatal and Postpartum

Flexibility vs. Mobility: Creating Stability in the Female Yoga Practice

Yoga and Common Pelvic Health Concerns

Please reach out directly with inquires, questions, and for rates.

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Event and Business Speaking Engagements 

I work with companies to bring awareness and health to the women in the workplace. 

I teach the foundations of sitting, standing, walking, and breathing that are supportive to female wellbeing. 

Much of women's pelvic and body discomfort stems from posture, cycle health, and modern lifestyle elements that are unsupportive to our bodies. 

If you are an employer, or event coordinator, that's looking to bring health and vibrancy to your female community, this information is fundamental. 

Lecture Topics include but are not limited to: 

- Sit, Stand, and Breathe Like a Woman

- Small Changes of that Support Your Female Body 

- Caretaking Your Female Body in the Workplace and in Life 

Please reach out directly with inquires, questions, and for rates. 

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I regularly guest-speak on podcasts about topics such as pelvic health, women's liberation, feminist history and radical healing.

 Interested in having me guest-speak on your podcast?

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Meet Adelaide Meadow


Adelaide is a physiologist, yoga teacher, bodyworker, and homebirth attendant who is passionate about the radical feminist reclamation of the body.

Her genius is her ability to read the female body- specifically, women's sacred posture and the magic of the female pelvis.

She is passionate about liberating movement practices from biologically inaccurate and harmful bodily teachings that are grounded in male physiology, and rebirthing female movement practices.

She is a sought-after teacher, leader, and speaker on women's health and women's culture, as well as the author and illustrator of a children's book about undisturbed birth.

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Meet Adelaide Meadow


Adelaide is a physiologist, yoga teacher, bodyworker, and homebirth attendant who is passionate about the radical feminist reclamation of the body.

Her genius is her ability to read the female body- specifically, women's sacred posture and the magic of the female pelvis.

She is passionate about liberating movement practices from biologically inaccurate and harmful bodily teachings that are grounded in male physiology, and rebirthing female movement practices.

She is a sought-after teacher, leader, and speaker on women's health and women's culture, as well as the author and illustrator of a children's book about undisturbed birth.

Learn More Here

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