To Bike or Not to Bike? My Thoughts on Biking and Cycling, for Female Health
Nov 24, 2022
Last week I posted on IG about the myth that cycling is great for the female body.
This question comes up a lot in my work with women, and often they get bummed when I say biking, or cycling, is not supportive to the female body.
I get it, I used to be an avid former biker, but during my studies of female physiology and anatomy I started to understand (and feel) that it really wasn't in alignment with my body.
I also noticed a pattern in the stories of women who I worked with, their biking habits and their pelvic concerns.
Women ask me about biking so often because they generally already have a sense from their experience that it's not great for them.
So this is why I say that biking and cycling are unsupportive.
However...Not all biking is created equal.
So you might not need to cut out your bike habits just yet.
Let me explain, CLICK HERE to hear my thoughts.
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