Often an unpopular opinion but... My Thoughts on Diva Dups, Menstrual Disks, and Bleeding Time Care

feminism menstrual health pelvic health Dec 22, 2022

Here we go, the often questioned, but not openly discussed, unpopular opinion about diva cups. 

As you may have seen in my recent instagram reel, I'm not a fan, 

of cups, discs, or other products filled with toxicity and hormone disrupting chemicals. 

In this diva cup and menstrual discs video, we talk structure, the vacuum effect, fascia, and microbiome health.

If you are a beloved diva cup fan and feel at a loss of what to turn to, don't worry! 

In this little snippet I also get into what I DO use and why, as well as ways to be supportive to your cycle.  

Let's dive in! CLICK HERE to get all my thoughts and recommendations on the matter. 

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