Critiquing the Fitness Industry - My Thoughts on Saying "it's better to do some movement than none at all"

female movement fitness industry functional movement Nov 17, 2022

I can't tell you how often I've heard "but it's better to do some movement than none at all." 

This is just one of the many MYTHS the fitness industry convinces us. 

As you know I've been in the fitness world for a longtime, completing my first yoga teacher training over ten years ago. It's been these ten years of navigating the industry, and picking it apart, that has helped me understand what is actually supportive to female physiology.

And what a journey it has been!

Saying "it's better to do some movement than none at all" is over simplified and it's truly so much more than that. 

Let's expand on this more, CLICK HERE to hear my thoughts.

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