WHY Female Historical Text's Matter: My Thoughts On Mary, Matriarchy, and More

feminism feminist history historical texts Dec 29, 2022
My Thoughts On Feminist Ancient Texts, Matriarch, and Mary

It's that time of year! Time to sit by the fire and snuggle up with a good book. 

If you know me at all then you know I'm reading historical non fiction, or fiction, written by women. 

That is my jam. 

And I'm here to explain how this is more than just "what I do for fun," but a crucial part of my feminism. 

In this weeks episode I'm making the case for ancient historical feminist texts and how these women are already woven into the fabric of our lives. 

I use the example of the Gospel of Mary (my current reading adventure) and how considering this text is informing my understandings of matriarchy, community barriers, and connection with the women that have come before. 

Let's dive in! CLICK HERE to hear about why this all matters to YOU and your feminism, whatever form that may take. 

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