Born Through



A study of birth biomechanics, prenatal movement, & actionable ways to support baby’s pathway through the pelvis.

Born Through



A study of birth biomechanics, prenatal movement, & actionable ways to support baby’s pathway through the pelvis.

Learn how to actually support the birth process.

Get the course

Many women are told that their baby is “malpositioned”, and that there’s nothing they can do besides schedule a c-section. 

“It just happens sometimes.”

Or maybe their pregnancies were quite uneventful, but their births were long, challenging, and exhausting. 

Their baby just didn’t descend, or they were pushing or positioned in a way that left their body feeling wrecked, and left their minds with so many questions.

Many women also experience mild to severe pain and discomfort in their pregnancies.

From sciatic pain to acid reflux, they’re told it’s “all normal” and just part of the process of growing a baby.

“Was there something I could have done differently to have a more easeful pregnancy and birth?”


 Contrary to popular belief, you CAN help your body and your baby during pregnancy and birth.


Don’t wait until your baby is here to support their somatic wellbeing.


Connect with your body and your baby from the start. 


Shift your biomechanics and help create space for baby to be born.
Learn how.

Are you a woman who has painful pregnancies?

Are you someone who has pregnant clients and you wish you could do more for them than provide short-term suggestions for their aches and pains?

Are you managing your own pregnancy and desire a blueprint of how you should move, not for fitness, but to prepare for an easeful birth?

Pain and discomforts in the body are not random. Often, they are telling you something about baby’s positioning and whether or not they have space to move.

Your tension is your baby’s tension.

Babies move how they have space to move. And these aches and pains are not just part of the growing process…

They are signals for a shift in biomechanics, or movement. 
There is a pervasive narrative and growing trend in our culture of “hands-off birth”. 

Whether it’s in midwifery, obstetrics, or unassisted birth, we have largely lost sight of how we can create change in our bodies through touch and movement.

In midwifery, hands-on skills are taught less and less.

In obstetrics, intelligent hands have been replaced with surgical instruments and technology.

In unassisted birth, any hands-on support is entirely equated with being invasive or harmful.

We are modern women living in a modern world. We know our modern lifestyles and environment have had an impact on our female physiology.

This isn’t true for all women, but many of us have a lifetime of tensing our pelvic floor, clenching our glutes, experiencing pain with sex, struggling with incontinence - or just an overall feeling and being disconnected from our female pelvis.

Most of us are living sedentary lifestyles, punctuated with bouts of over-exercising in our modern fitness culture.

Our bodies are simply not the same as they were 1000 years ago, 100 years ago, or even 10 years ago. 


Physiological birth requires a commitment to physiological womanhood. And our modern living is not in alignment with our biological design.

Now more than ever, we need to revive the knowledge of how to move, breathe, and live in alignment with our female physiology. 


For ourselves, and the sake of our babies.


Get the course.
We need to replace hands-off prenatal care with nourishing movement and touch.
We need to replace the obsession with fetal positioning with an emphasis on how to help your baby move.


We need to replace blind faith in systems or ideology with something true-

the observable and influenceable somatic experience of the body.


There’s something missing from our birth culture. 
And that is the true study of bodywork and biomechanical function and how it relates to birth.


Put your trust in the biomechanical design of your body.

Support that and watch what happens.


I'm ready.

Start here!

Receive this FREE 75-minute masterclass all about:

The Biomechanics of Birth.

Don't worry, your info is safe with me.

Babies are born through movement.


Not just a hormonal process, birth is the process of moving baby through the bony and soft tissues of the pelvis. 


In our birth culture, there needs to be a larger emphasis, in pregnancy, on preparing the body for the biomechanical unfolding of birth.


This focus supports the maternal tissues to balance during pregnancy and yield for the birth process, absolutely helping our babies make their way through the pelvic pathway.


The outcome is less birth trauma for mom and baby, more easeful births, faster recoveries, and a foundation of integrated pelvic health for life.


No matter your birth setting, team, or plan…


It’s your biomechanical blueprint that allows your hormonal matrix to unfold, and together they determine the progress of your birth.

Learn to support the process.

If you are a midwife or birthworker, this is the resource that you wish you had. Learn the information your clients need and ask for (even if they don’t know what they’re asking for).


If you’re a woman unpacking where her birth went wrong, a woman planning a VBAC, a woman whose fetal positioning was pathologized,  this information is for you.


If you’re a prenatal yoga instructor, chiropractor, massage therapist, CST, or a woman who serves pregnant women in any way, this is knowledge you can apply to every client’s individual situation.


If you are desiring a pain-free pregnancy, and want to learn how to support your birth the best way you can, this is the prenatal care every woman should receive.


Add it to your self-directed prenatal care kit, your midwifery skills, or your rightful knowledge as a woman.


I'm in.
In this course you will learn:
  • In-depth pelvic anatomy and physiology, with breakdowns for the pelvic inlet, mid-pelvis, and the outlet 

  • How to connect somatically with each layer of the pelvis, and how to encourage your clients to do so too

  • The biomechanics of what is actually happening as baby makes his or her way through the pelvic pathway

  • Essential actions for pregnancy and birth

  • Supportive tips for actions of daily living

  • The connection between common pregnancy discomforts and fetal positioning

  • Specific biomechanical origins and movement practices for common pain patterns

  • Movements to focus on for every trimester

  • & so much more!

This course is a resource for birth professionals, bodyworkers, and mothers alike- the more involved we all are in our birth culture, the better our birth culture becomes.


What’s inside of  Born Through Movement?

• 30+ detailed, educational videos

• Follow-along movement videos for each trimester that help you learn about supporting an easeful birth process

• Resource PDFs to educate yourself or share with clients

• Twice monthly LIVE Q+A's to receive more 1:1 and community support. 

• 3 Birth & BodyWork Live Calls with Adelaide & Mandy (will be recorded)

• BONUS! Self-Palpation of the Uterus video

• BONUS! Self-Release for Ligament Pain video

• BONUS! Self-Palpating and Measuring the Bony Pelvis

• Continuing education resources for myofascial release, functional movement, prenatal bodywork and more


  • Why Biomechanics and Addressing “Hands-Off” Birth Culture

  • Dextrorotation + Obliquity of the Uterus

  • The Symphony of the Biomechanics + Hormonal Matrix of Birth

MODULE I:  Anatomy + Physiology of the Female Pelvis for Birth



a. Getting to Know the Pelvic Inlet 

b. What Will Biomechanically Support Baby Passing through the Pelvic Inlet?

c. Somatically Connecting with your Pelvic Inlet



a. Getting to Know the Midpelvis

b. What Will Biomechanically Support Baby Passing through the MidPelvis?

c. Somatically Connecting to the Midpelvis



a. Getting to know the Pelvic Outlet

b. What Will Biomechanically Support Baby Passing through the Pelvic Outlet?

c. Somatically Connecting to the Pelvic Outlet

MODULE II: Movement + Actions for Pregnancy + Birth



a. Mobility in the Feet

b. Internal Rotation of the Femurs

c. Hinging & Spaciousness in the Posterior Pelvic Floor

d. Thoracic Rotation



a. Standing 

b. Lifting

c. Walking

d. Bending

e. Getting Up & Down



a. First Trimester Follow Along Movement Video

b. Second Trimester Follow Along Movement Video

c. Third Trimester Follow Along Movement Video

MODULE III: Movement Practices for Pain Resolution & Fetal Positioning


a. Understand the Biomechanical Causes 

b. Mini Pistol Squat

c. Foam Roller at the Wall

d. Crumple Hinge (and understanding hinging in general!)

e. Quadruped Hamstring Press

f. Thoracic Rotation


a. Understand the Biomechanical Causes

b. Pelivic Adjustments with a Ball

c. Hip Openers with Band 

d. Standing Woodchopper

e. Seated Ball Internal Rotation


a. Understand the Biomechanical Causes

b. Myofascial Release 

c. Arms Extended Up the Wall

d. Thoracic Twist with Band

e. Spinal Extensions


a. It’s Not Just Biomechanics! But They Can Help.

b. Creating Spaciousness in the Iliopsoas 

c. Inversions - Multiple Versions!

d. Creating Mobility in the Feet


 • Self-Palpation of the Uterus

• Self-Release of the Round Ligaments

• Palpating and Measuring the Bony Pelvis 

3 Birth & Bodywork Live Calls with Adelaide & Mandy

• 2-hour live calls

Class 1: Patterns in OP part 1

Class 2: Postdates & Patterns in OP part 2

Class 3: Patterns in Breech Pregnancy

•Varied perspectives on midwifery and bodywork

•Continuing education and resource for birth professionals and bodyworkers alike

Learn more

Born Through Movement is not medical advice, nor is this a midwifery skills training. This is an opportunity to deepen your understanding of birth through a biomechanical lens. Midwifery practice and skills are developed only through in-person, birth attendance.

This course contains the basic tenets of prenatal care. This course is where you prepare your body to help prepare your baby to move through the pelvic pathway. If you are pregnant, wanting to be pregnant one day, or work with pregnant women, this is truly essential information.

Start your learning journey.

About Adelaide Meadow:

Adelaide is a female physiology academic, movement teacher, bodyworker, and homebirth attendant. She has been studying birth and female biomechanics for over ten years. She approaches women’s health, birth, movement, and women's culture from a physiological perspective, and believes in the genius of the body and the brilliance of women. Her professional contributions are at the intersection of birth, movement, and biomechanics, and how physiological birth requires physiological womanhood. She is a sought-after teacher, leader, and speaker on women's health and women's culture.


Born Through Movement

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Birth & Bodywork with Adelaide & Mandy
Three live calls included with your purchase of Born Through Movement:

September 6th 11am - Patterns in OP part 1 
September 9th 11am - Postdates & Patterns in OP part 2

September 12th 11am - Patterns in Breech Pregnancy

In these calls, Adelaide Meadow, and licensed midwife and prenatal bodyworker Mandy Verghese, will lead collaborative discussions on topics such as breech, OP babies, nuchal hands, postural habits and how they impact birth patterns, licensed versus unlicensed midwifery, and how to positively impact birth outcomes through bodywork. 

Devoted friends and colleagues, Mandy made many intellectual contributions to this course. You can check out her work further You won’t want to miss these incredibly rich conversations on birth, midwifery, and the true art of supporting women and the body.